2013 Programme!

Happy New Year! We hope you've had a bit of a break over Christmas. Here is our programme for the coming year:

Sat 12 Jan Open Workshop Scout Hall. Spend a day doing the fibre-y things you love!

Thu 14 Feb Spinning Wheels with Jill David. Jill will be talking about her interesting and unusual wheels.

Thu 14 March AGM followed by Jill Riley’s photos of the National Exhibition 2012 - a chance to see photographs from the National Exhibition - can you spot your ring on display?

 Thu 11 April ‘Tapestry & Off Loom Weaving From A Different Perspective’- Helen Foroughi - Helen will be showing us some of her amazing pieces and discussing her work.

Sat 11 May Shibori preparation for July w/s with Jane. Preparation for our dyeing workshop in July - learn about preparing items for shibori dyeing.

Thu 13 June Tablet weaving with Helen Aanensen. Helen will be showing us some of the amazing things that can be done with tablet weaving.

Sat 13 July Indigo dyeing workshop with Kathy Williams.  To be held in East Aberthaw. A chance to try your hand at indigo dyeing. Please note - this is not being held at the Scouts Hall!

Thu 12 Sept Talk and demonstration on Lucet Braids with Sally Pointer. Sally will be showing us the incredible things that can be made with  a lucet.

Thu 10 Oct Open evening. Spend the evening having a chat and getting on with your projects!

Sat 9 Nov Workshop with Pat Johnson making felt bags. Scout Hall Felt making with Pat - booking essential.

12 Dec Christmas Celebration

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