
Showing posts from 2016

Celebrating Christmas

A few photos of the guild members needle felting...  

Silk Workshop Photos

Many thanks to Sarah for a really enjoyable and informative workshop last Saturday.  Everyone had a great time trying out the  different  silk preparations and blends on our spinning wheels and drop spindles as we tried to master this fine and lustrous yarn!   As you can see from the photos it took a lot of  concentration !
Our next workshop is on Saturday 12th November 2016 starting at 10am - Scouts Hall Dinas Powys.

Claire Cawte - Eco Printing

Many thanks to Claire for a brilliant workshop and for giving us so many exciting ideas to work on. ...great fun and eco friendly!
Don't forget to start collecting leaves and plants to use for the next workshop with Claire Cawte on Saturday 8th October from 10am - 4pm in the Scouts Hall Dinas Powys.   Drop us a line  if you would like to book a place or find out more.

Jill David - Evening Talk

Thanks so much to Jill David for the brilliant talk and demonstration on how to make plaited hats. We are all inspired to go off and start making our own hats! Don't forget to pencil in the next workshop with Claire Cawte which will be held on Saturday 8th October - further details to follow.

Jill David - Evening Talk

Thanks so much to Jill David for the brilliant talk and demonstration on how to make plaited hats. We are all inspired to go off and start making our own hats! Don't forget to pencil in the next workshop with Claire Cawte which will be held on Saturday 8th October - further details to follow.

Fancy making a hat?

Why not come along to our next evening meeting on  Thursday 8th September  and see how its done. Jill will be giving a demonstration on how to make one of her amazing hats from plaited fibres. All welcome. 

Our day at the pictures!
