
Showing posts from 2014

September Meeting

Our next meeting is on 11th September at Kynance Hall in Dinas Powys. Members are invited to bring items to our Show and Tell - either made by themselves or ones they consider interesting such as an antique textile or an unusual piece they own. We look forward to seeing you there! It starts at 7:30. Please contact us at if you need additional info. n.b. This is a change to our original programme - we will now host Dr Canavan in November.

April Meeting!

Our next meeting is on Thursday 10 th  April and is a talk entitled: ' Batik: The People Behind the Cloth ' with Jim & Diane Gaffney This will start at 7:30pm in Kynance Hall, Dinas Powys (rear of Methodist Hall). Diane and Jim run  Textile Traders , a business focussed on hand made textiles from Asia, and we look forward to having them visit us. It promises to be an interesting evening. Visitors welcome! Please contact us for any information about the evening or any of our future events.