
Showing posts from August, 2013

Next Meeting - Thursday 12th September

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 12th September where we will have Sally Pointer demonstrating using the lucet to create braids. Sally has a wide knowledge and understanding of objects and ideas from the past, and we are delighted to be fortunate enough to have her come to speak to us. The evening commences at 7:30pm at Kynance Hall in Dinas Powys (rear of the Methodist Church). Members £2, Guests £5 all visitors welcome. Please email us at if you have any queries.

Summer Updates!

A quick update of activities we are involved with during July/August Vale of Glamorgan Show Members will be attending the Vale of Glamorgan Agricultural Show on the 21st August. Details can be found  here . Members will be demonstrating their skills for all to see. We are hoping for some good weather on the day - but are preparing our gazebo just in case it isn't. Do come along and say hello if you are attending the Show! Association Summer School A number of members enjoyed attending the Association Summer School this year in West Wales. One member was teaching and others attended the classes held. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed spending their time focussing on their crafts and are very much looking forward to the next one!